Toolz is a complete user/channel management interface. Online help is available about all script's commands.
Yeah yeah, this page is long and should be indexed... It will be sometime in the near future.
Meanwhile use your browser's "Find" feature if you're looking for a particular command.
Although it won't hurt if you read the whole thing :) How?
(Command reference)
The toolz script has the following MSG commands:
Note: These commands are issued to the bot via private message: /MSG BotsNick command.
Command: Auth
Flags: None
Authenticates you to the bot.
Syntax: auth <password>
Remarks: You must use this command to use most of the other commands.
Command: Help
Flags: None
Provides online help about requested command.
Syntax: help [command]
Remarks: To see a list of available commands use the Commands command (next).
Command: Commands
Flags: None
Shows all the public commands available to you globally and on requested channel.
Syntax: commands [#channel]
Remarks: If #channel is not specified, shows only the commands available globally.
Command: Chat
Flags: Paryline access (+p global)
Makes the bot DCC chat you so you can enter the partyline.
Syntax: chat
Remarks: Useful if you're behind a firewall and can not initiate DCCs.
Same as the public Invite command.
Command: Opme
Flags: Operator on requested channel.
Gives you channel operator status on requested channel.
Syntax: opme <#channel>
Remarks: The bot must be opped on channel you're requesting op on (DUH!).
Command: Addmask
Flags: None
Lets you add your current hostmask to your hostmask list on the bot.
Syntax: addmask <password>
Command: Comeback
Flags: Channel owner or bot owner.
Makes the bot come back to a channel where the Templeave (described below) command was used.
Syntax: comeback <#channel>
The toolz script has the following public commands:
Note 1: All commands must be prefixed with the defined prefix char (default is "!") Note 2: A nick parameter in all commands can only be used with users that are currently on
the channel the command is issued on.
Command: Admins
Flags: None
Shows the masters and owners of requested channel.
Syntax: admins [#channel]
Command: GlobalAdmins
Flags: None
Shows the global masters and owners of the bot.
Syntax: globaladmins
Command: Ops
Flags: None
Shows a list of channel operators for current channel.
Syntax: ops
Command: TList
Flags: None
Displays a list of all users with a +T flag for current channel.
Syntax: Tlist
Remarks: Basically this gives a list of all users registered on the bot on current channel.
Command: Greeting
Flags: None
Sets your info line for current channel.
Syntax: greeting [text]
Remarks: If the word "DEL" is used as text, the info line will be deleted.
If no text is specified, will show your current greeting.
Example: !greeting Welcome, master!
Command: GlobalGreeting
Flags: None
Sets your global info line for all channels.
Syntax: globalgreeting [text]
Remarks: If the word "DEL" is used as text, the info line will be deleted.
If no text is specified, will show your current greeting.
Command: Output
Flags: None
Changes the output type for a user executing the command.
Syntax: output <output type> [global]
Valid output types are:
public - Default output type.
Replies to commands and requests go to the public channel where commands were executed,
prefixed with the command executer's nick. notice - All replies to commands and requests are noticed to command executer.
Remarks: If global is specified, changes the output type for all channels,
otherwise changes output type for current channel only.
Command: AddUser
Flags: Channel master or bot master.
Adds a user record.
Syntax: adduser <nick/handle> [hostmask]
Remarks: If nick is on the channel and hostmask is not specified,
the bot will get a hostmask from the user automatically.
If a user records for the handle used as nick exists, will automatically add current hostmask to the host list.
The command can be used as +user instead (shorter).
Command: DelUser
Flags: Channel master or bot master.
Removes a user record.
Syntax: deluser <nick/handle>
Remarks: If nick is on the channel, the bot will automatically find his handle.
The command can be used as -user instead (shorter).
Command: AutoAdd
Flags: Channel master or bot master.
Automatically adds all users on requested channel to the bot.
Syntax: autoadd [#channel]
Remarks: If a user record for a certain user alerady exists, will add the current hostmask to his hostmask list.
Command: AddHost
Flags: Channel master or bot master.
Adds a hostmask to user's host list for given nick/handle.
Syntax: addhost <nick/handle> <host>
Remarks: The command can be used as +host instead (shorter).
Example: !addhost BillGates *!*lame@*
Command: DelHost
Flags: Channel master or bot master.
Removes a hostmask from user's host list for given nick/handle.
Syntax: delhost <nick/handle> <host>
Remarks: The command can be used as -host instead (shorter).
Example: !-host BillGates *!*lame@*
Command: ResetHosts
Flags: Channel master or bot master.
Removes all hostmasks from user's host list.
Syntax: resethosts <nick/handle>
Remarks: If the user is on channel, will leave one current hostmask for the user in his host list.
Command: Flags
Flags: Channel operator or bot operator.
Shows the global and the channel flags for a user on a requested channel.
Syntax: flags <nick/handle> [#channel]
Remarks: If channel is not specified defaults to current channel.
Command: Chattr
Flags: Channel master or bot master.
Changes flags for user on requested channel.
Syntax: chattr <nick/handle> <flags> [#channel]
Remarks: If #channel is not specified, defaults to current channel.
To change global flags use the word "global as the #channel parameter.
Description of standart eggdrop flags can be found HERE
Special flags used on the bot:
+I - The "SHUDUP" flag. Used in the AI section.
If a user has this flag set, the bot will never address him, answer him, etc.
Bot commands are not affected by this flag and work as usual for users with +I. +W - The teaching flag. Required to use the commands of the AI section.
This flag can only be set globally and only by the bot's owner. +T - The Action Counter flag. Used in the Statistics section.
This is an indicator flag and can't be set/unset manually. +P - Protection. When a protected user gets kicked or deoped, bot kicks the offender. +H - Heavy protection. Same as +P, only a ban is added to the kick. Doesn't work without +P. +L - Locked user. Only a global owner can change flags of a locked user.
Of course only a global owner can set/unset this flag. +N - Notice output. An indicator flag which is set individually by every user,
using the Output command. +X - No pings. If a user has this flag, the bot will not respond to this user's ping requests.
Example1: !chattr BillGates +dkL global
Example2: !chattr Charles +IPHo #newchan
Example3: !chattr Muhammad -mno
Command: ChangeFlagsAll
Flags: Bot owner
This will find the first amount of users with specified source flag,
and then remove the remove flag from them.
Syntax: changeflagsall <source flag> <remove flag> <amount>
Remarks: An extremely useful power trips command.
Example: !changeflagsall hop op 50
This will remove the flags op from the first 50 users whose global flags are hop.
Command: Rename
Flags: Channel master or bot master.
Changes handle for a user.
Syntax: rename <nick/handle> <new handle>
Example: !rename John Margaret (A good example of a user after a sex change operation :))
Command: FindNick
Flags: Channel op or global op.
Attempts to find a user's nick by the given handle on current channel.
Syntax: findnick <handle>
Remarks: Useful for finding hiding users.
Command: FindNickAll
Flags: Channel op or global op.
Attempts to find a user's nick by the given handle on all bot's channels.
Syntax: findnickall <handle>
Command: Identify
Flags: Channel op or global op.
Looks up given nick in bot's user database and prints out the matched handle.
Syntax: identify <nick>
Remarks: This also attempts to determine whether requested user is who he claims to be.
Command: Whois
Flags: Channel op or global op.
Displays flags and host list of requested user and some special indicators about the user.
Syntax: whois <nick/handle>
Special indicators used:
[Direct] - Requested nick is handle match instead of host match. [NO Pass] - User does not have a password set. [AUTH] - User is authenticated (same as global +Q flag). [Last mod TYPE: someone] - someone performed the last modification of TYPE
for user's settings (hosts, flags, etc).
Special flags used on the bot:
+I - The "SHUDUP" flag. Used in the AI section.
If a user has this flag set, the bot will never address him, answer him, etc.
Bot commands are not affected by this flag and work as usual for users with +I. +W - The teaching flag. Required to use the commands of the AI section.
This flag can only be set globally and only by the bot's owner. +T - The Action Counter flag. Used in the Statistics section.
This is an indicator flag and can't be set/unset manually. +P - Protection. When a protected user gets kicked or deoped, bot kicks the offender. +H - Heavy protection. Same as +P, only a ban is added to the kick. Doesn't work without +P. +L - Locked user. Only a global owner can change flags of a locked user.
Of course only a global owner can set/unset this flag. +N - Notice output. An indicator flag which is set individually by every user,
using the Output command. +X - No pings. If a user has this flag, the bot will not respond to this user's ping requests.
Description of standart eggdrop flags can be found HERE
Command: Access
Flags: Channel op or global op.
Shows global access level for user, as well as access levels on all channels.
Syntax: access <nick/handle>
Command: Enable
Flags: Bot owner
Enables a disabled user back (Reverse function of the previous command).
Syntax: enable <nick/handle>
Command: Disable
Flags: Bot owner
Disables a user from using the bot's commands.
Syntax: disable <nick/handle>
Command: Join
Flags: Bot owner.
Adds a new channel to the bot with optional owner.
Syntax: join <#channel> [owner's nick/handle]
Remarks: If owner is specified, will add the channel to the bot and give
a +n flag to the owner on the new channel.
Example: !join #newchan Charles
Command: Part
Flags: Bot owner
Removes a channel from the bot.
Syntax: part <#channe>
Remarks: .
Command: Channels
Flags: Channel op or global op.
Shows all bot's channels, the current number of users on them and special modes active on channels.
Syntax: channels
Command: Chaninfo
Flags: Channel master or bot master.
This lists all the settings for the bot on the given channel.
Syntax: chaninfo [#channel]
Remarks: If channel not specified defaults to current channel.
Command: Chanset
Flags: Channel owner or bot owner.
Allows you to change the channel settings for a channel.
Syntax: chanset <#channel> <mode> [args]
Remarks: Description of channel modes can be found
Example: !chanset #kewn_chan aop-delay 1:1
Command: Status
Flags: Partyline access (+p)
Shows some statistics about the bot (.
Syntax: status
Command: Whom
Flags: Partyline access (+p)
Displays the users currently on the party line.
Syntax: whom
Command: Invite
Flags: Partyline access (+p)
Makes the bot send you a dcc request.
Syntax: invite
Command: Ping
Flags: None, but requires a user record.
The bot CTCP pings requested user and displays ping time on channel.
Syntax: ping <user>
Remarks: If "ME" is used as user, the bot will ping you.
Command: Say
Flags: Operator on requested channel or global operator.
Makes the bot say something on requested channel.
Syntax: say <#channel> <text>
Example: !say #hell ph34r m3!!!
Command: Act
Flags: Operator on requested channel or global operator.
Makes the bot perform an action (/me) on requested channel.
Syntax: act <#channel> <text>
Example: !act #kewl_channel 0wnz j00
Command: Broadcast
Flags: Bot owner
Broadcasts a message to all bot's channels.
Syntax: broadcast <text>
Example: !broadcast Bow before me, for I am root!
Command: Mode
Flags: Channel op or global op.
Changes a mode on the channel specified by mode change.
Syntax: mode <mode change>
Example: !mode +m
Command: Kick
Flags: Channel op or global op.
Kicks someone from current channel with optional reason.
Syntax: kick <nick> [reason]
Remarks: If reason is not specified, defaults to "You suck!".
Example: !kick BillGates Go away you dildo sucking m0f0!
Command: Ban
Flags: Channel master or bot master.
Sets a channel ban.
Syntax: ban <nick/host> <time> <reason>
Remarks: If nick is on the channel, it will get a hostmask and ban that.
If not, it will take the host and ban that instead.
time is the amount of time in minutes that the ban will last.
Putting 0 in this field means a permanent ban.
reason is the reason why you banned the nick/host.
Example: !ban *!*@* 0 Selected lamers.
Command: Unban
Flags: Channel master or bot master.
Removes a channel ban.
Syntax: unban <host>
Remarks: Host may contain wildcards.
Example: !unban *!*somedude@*
Command: Banlist
Flags: Channel operator or bot operator.
Shows the list of global bans and the bans for current channel.
Syntax: banlist
Command: Forcebans
Flags: Channel owner or bot owner.
Makes the channel ban list match the bot's ban list.
Syntax: forcebans
Command: Op
Flags: Channel op or global op.
Gives channel operator status to someone on current channel.
Syntax: op <nick>
Command: Deop
Flags: Channel op or global op.
Takes away channel operator status from someone on current channel.
Syntax: deop <nick>
Command: OpMe
Flags: Channel op or global op.
Gives you channel operator status on current channel.
Syntax: opme
Command: DeopMe
Flags: Channel op or global op.
Takes channel operator status away from you on current channel.
Syntax: deopme
Command: Voice
Flags: Channel op or global op.
Gives voice to someone on current channel.
Syntax: voice <nick>
Command: Devoice
Flags: Channel op or global op.
Takes away voice from someone on current channel.
Syntax: devoice <nick>
Command: Link
Flags: Bot owner.
Attempts to link to another bot.
Syntax: link <bot>
Remarks: The bot you're attempting to link must be defined, to define a bot use the +bot partyline command.
Command: Unlink
Flags: Bot owner
Attempts to unlink from another bot.
Syntax: unlink <bot>
Remarks: The bot you're attepting to unlink from must be linked (duh).
Command: Bots
Flags: Partyline access (+p)
Shows the list of linked bots currently on the botnet.
Syntax: bots
Command: Names
Flags: Channel op or global op.
Displays a list of nicks of all users on requested channel.
Syntax: names [#channel]
Remarks: Especially useful for seeing who's on channels you're not on (spying).
Command: People
Flags: Channel op or global op.
Displays a list of nicks of all users on requested channel and their flags on the bot.
Syntax: people [#channel] [option] option can be on of the following:
match - Shows only users with a host match (which means: only users the bot recognizes by host).
nomatch - Shows only users with no host match (which means: only users the bot doesn't recognize by host).
Remarks: If channel is not specified defaults to current channel.
Especially useful for seeing who's on channels you're not on (spying).
Command: Topic
Flags: Channel op or global op for topic change, channel master or bot master for topic lock.
Changes/Locks/Unlocks current channel topic.
Syntax: topic <option>
Option can be one of the following:
lock - Locks current channel's topic. On topic change the bot changes topic back. unlock - Releases the locked topic.
any other text - Set as channel's topic.
Command: TempLeave
Flags: Channel owner or bot owner.
Makes the bot temporarily leave the channel.
Syntax: templeave
Remarks: Same as executing: !chanset #current_channel +inactive.
Command: DenyPub
Flags: Channel owner or bot owner.
Denies all public output on requested channel. Overrides output settings of users.
Syntax: denypub [#channel]
Remarks: If channel is not specified defaults to current channel.
Command: AllowPub
Flags: Channel owner or bot owner.
If public output for a requested channel is disabled (see previous comand), allows it back.
Syntax: allowpub [#channel]
Remarks: If channel is not specified defaults to current channel.
Command: Save
Flags: Bot owner
Writes the userfile to disk.
Syntax: save
Command: Reload
Flags: Bot owner
Loads the userfile from disk.
Syntax: reload
Command: Backup
Flags: Bot owner
Backs up the userfile.
Syntax: backup
Command: CleanUserList
Flags: Bot owner.
Manually deletes all users that have no operator (+o) flag on any channels,
and that were not seen for a number of days defined in toolz.tcl.
Syntax: cleanuserlist
Command: Rehash
Flags: Bot owner
Reloads the config file for the bot, which resets all the 'set' variables and reloads any TCL scripts your config loads.
It also saves and reloads the user file from disk.
Syntax: rehash
Command: Restart
Flags: Bot owner
Restarts the Tcl interpreter, wipes all timers and utimers, and reloads the config file for the bot,
which resets all the 'set' variables and reloads any TCL scripts your config loads.
It also saves and reloads the user file from disk.
Syntax: restart
Command: Jump
Flags: Bot master.
Jumps to server on optional port.
Syntax: jump <server>[:port]
Command: Die
Flags: Bot owner
Brutally murders the bot.
Syntax: die
Command: FindIP
Flags: Channel op or global op.
Attempts to find a user whose hostmask match the requested hostmask substring
on all channels on all bots on the botnet.
Syntax: findip <hostmask substring>
Remarks: This is only a substring search, no DNS lookups are performed (maybe there will be in future versions).