Project "Kalich" - The intelligent IRC bot

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Operation Manual - Statistics

The statistics script counts the actions of users (phrases, kicks, bans, topics, smiles, LOLs, swears, pings, time spent on chan), keeps track of channel traffic (how many phrases/actions per hour are performed) and the average/maximal number of concurrent users on channel.
The stats are rated and reported publically to any user requesting them.

(Command reference)

The statistics script has the following DCC (partyline) commands:

    Command: ResetChanCounters
    Flags: Bot owner or channel owner
    Resets action counters on requested channel.
    Syntax: .resetchancounters <#channel>
    Remarks: The public commands for this is ResetCounters.
    A very powerfull function, use with care!

    Command: ResetAllCounters
    Flags: Bot owner
    Resets action counters on requested channel.
    Syntax: .resetallcounters
    Remarks: The public commands for this is GlobalResetCounters.

The statistics script has the following public commands:

Note: All commands must be prefixed with the defined prefix char (default is "!")

    Command: Traffic
    Flags: None
    Shows traffic (phrases/actions per hour) for requested channel(s).
    Syntax: traffic [#channel / all]
    Remarks: If no parameter specified defaults to current channel.
    The "all" parameter shows traffics for all channels and requires an operator (+o) flag.

    Command: Topchannel
    Flags: None
    Shows the numbers of average and maximal concurrent channel visitors for all channels.
    Syntax: topchannel

    Command: Lastswear
    Flags: None
    Shows the last line that contained a swear trigger said by requested user on current channel.
    Syntax: lastswear <nick or handle>
    Remarks: Useful for "Me????? I never swear!!!" situations.

    Command: GlobalLastswear
    Flags: None
    Same as previous command, but gives out the last global swear line, not nescessarily on current channel.
    Syntax: globallastswear <nick or handle>

    Command: Total
    Flags: None
    Shows numbers of total actions registered by the bot on current channel.
    Syntax: total

    Command: GlobalTotal
    Flags: None
    Shows numbers of total actions registered bt the bot on all its channels together.
    Syntax: globaltotal

    Command: ResetCounters
    Flags: channel or bot owner (+n)
    Resets the action counters on current channel.
    Syntax: resetcounters

    Command: GlobalResetCounters
    Flags: Bot owner
    Resets all action counters of all users on all channels.
    Syntax: globalresetcounters
    Remarks: A very powerful function, use with care!

    Command: GlobalTopTalk
    Flags: None
    Shows the names of people who said the most phrases on all channels together.
    Syntax: globaltoptalk [top number]
    Remarks: Top number must be between 3 and 15, if none specified defaults to 5.

    Command: GlobalTopKick
    Flags: None
    Shows the names of people who kicked the larges amount of people on all channels together.
    Syntax: globaltopkick [top number]
    Remarks: Top number must be between 3 and 15, if none specified defaults to 5.

    Command: GlobalTopBan
    Flags: None
    Shows the names of people who banned the larges amount of peolpe on all channels together.
    Syntax: globaltopban [top number]
    Remarks: Top number must be between 3 and 15, if none specified defaults to 5.

    Command: GlobalTopTopic
    Flags: None
    Shows the names of people who set the largest amount of topics on all channels together.
    Syntax: globaltoptopic [top number]
    Remarks: Top number must be between 3 and 15, if none specified defaults to 5.

    Command: GlobalTopSmile
    Flags: None
    Shows the names of people who smile the most on all channels together.
    Syntax: globaltopsmile [top number]
    Remarks: Top number must be between 3 and 15, if none specified defaults to 5.

    Command: GlobalTopSwear
    Flags: None
    Shows the names of the most rude people on all channels together.
    Syntax: globaltopswear [top number]
    Remarks: Top number must be between 3 and 15, if none specified defaults to 5.

    Command: GlobalTopLOL
    Flags: None
    Shows the names of people who laugh the most on all channels together.
    Syntax: globaltoplol [top number]
    Remarks: Top number must be between 3 and 15, if none specified defaults to 5.

    Command: GlobalTopPing
    Flags: None
    Shows the names of people who use the ping command the most on all channels together.
    Syntax: globaltopping [top number]
    Remarks: Top number must be between 3 and 15, if none specified defaults to 5.

    Command: TopTalk
    Flags: None
    Shows the names of people who talk the most on the requested channel.
    Syntax: toptalk [top number] [#channel]
    Remarks: Top number must be between 3 and 15, if none specified defaults to 5. If no channel specified defaults to current channel.

    Command: TopKick
    Flags: None
    Shows the names of people who do the most kicks on the requested channel.
    Syntax: topkick [top number] [#channel]
    Remarks: Top number must be between 3 and 15, if none specified defaults to 5. If no channel specified defaults to current channel.

    Command: TopBan
    Flags: None
    Shows the names of people who set the most bans on the requested channel.
    Syntax: topban [top number] [#channel]
    Remarks: Top number must be between 3 and 15, if none specified defaults to 5. If no channel specified defaults to current channel.

    Command: TopTopic
    Flags: None
    Shows the names of people who set the most topics on the requested channel.
    Syntax: toptopic [top number] [#channel]
    Remarks: Top number must be between 3 and 15, if none specified defaults to 5. If no channel specified defaults to current channel.

    Command: TopSmile
    Flags: None
    Shows the names of people who smile the most on the requested channel.
    Syntax: topsmile [top number] [#channel]
    Remarks: Top number must be between 3 and 15, if none specified defaults to 5. If no channel specified defaults to current channel.

    Command: TopSwear
    Flags: None
    Shows the names of people who swear the most on the requested channel.
    Syntax: topswear [top number] [#channel]
    Remarks: Top number must be between 3 and 15, if none specified defaults to 5. If no channel specified defaults to current channel.

    Command: TopLOL
    Flags: None
    Shows the names of people who laugh the most on the requested channel.
    Syntax: toplol [top number] [#channel]
    Remarks: Top number must be between 3 and 15, if none specified defaults to 5. If no channel specified defaults to current channel.

    Command: TopPing
    Flags: None
    Shows the names of people who use the ping command the most on the requested channel.
    Syntax: topping [top number] [#channel]
    Remarks: Top number must be between 3 and 15, if none specified defaults to 5. If no channel specified defaults to current channel.

    Command: TopTime
    Flags: None
    Shows the names of people who spend the most time on the requested channel.
    Syntax: toptime [top number] [#channel]
    Remarks: Top number must be between 3 and 15, if none specified defaults to 5. If no channel specified defaults to current channel.

    Command: TopSpeed
    Flags: None
    Shows the names of people who type the most in the time they are on the requested channel.
    Syntax: topspeed [top number] [#channel]
    Remarks: Top number must be between 3 and 15, if none specified defaults to 5. If no channel specified defaults to current channel. This counter is highly inaccurate because it just divides talk by time. You're welcome to write a new algorithm for this if you know better :)

    Command: MyTalk
    Flags: None
    Shows the number of phrases you said and your rating place on current channel.
    Syntax: mytalk

    Command: MyKick
    Flags: None
    Shows the number of people you kicked and your rating place on current channel.
    Syntax: mykick

    Command: MyBan
    Flags: None
    Shows the number of people you banned and your rating place on current channel.
    Syntax: myban

    Command: MyTopic
    Flags: None
    Shows the number of topics you changed and your rating place on current channel.
    Syntax: mytopic

    Command: MySmile
    Flags: None
    Shows the number of times you smiled and your rating place on current channel.
    Syntax: mysmile

    Command: MySwear
    Flags: None
    Shows the number of times you sweared and your rating place on current channel.
    Syntax: myswear

    Command: MyLOL
    Flags: None
    Shows the number of times you laughed and your rating place on current channel.
    Syntax: mylol

    Command: MyPing
    Flags: None
    Shows the number of times you used the ping command and your rating place on current channel.
    Syntax: myping

    Command: MyTime
    Flags: None
    Shows the time you spent on channel and your rating place on current channel.
    Syntax: mytime

    Command: MySpeed
    Flags: None
    Badly tries to estimate your typing speed and your rating place on current channel.
    Syntax: myspeed

    Command: MyTotal
    Flags: None
    Shows the number of all your actions on all channels.
    Syntax: mytotal

    Command: MyStat
    Flags: None
    Shows all your statistics of current channel along with the percentage of smiles, swears and LOLs in your talk.
    Syntax: mystat

    Command: MyPlace
    Flags: None
    Shows the number of all your actions and your rating places for them on current channel.
    Syntax: myplace

    Command: MyPercent
    Flags: None
    Shows the percentage of actions performed by you out of channel totals on current channel.
    Syntax: mypercent

    Command: NickTalk
    Flags: None
    Shows the number of phrases someone said and their rating place on current channel.
    Syntax: nicktalk <nick/handle>

    Command: NickKick
    Flags: None
    Shows the number of people someone kicked and their rating place on current channel.
    Syntax: nickkick <nick/handle>

    Command: NickBan
    Flags: None
    Shows the number of people someone banned and their rating place on current channel.
    Syntax: nickban <nick/handle>

    Command: NickTopic
    Flags: None
    Shows the number of topics someone changed and their rating place on current channel.
    Syntax: nicktopic <nick/handle>

    Command: NickSmile
    Flags: None
    Shows the number of times someone smiled and their rating place on current channel.
    Syntax: nicksmile <nick/handle>

    Command: NickSwear
    Flags: None
    Shows the number of times someone sweared and their rating place on current channel.
    Syntax: nickswear <nick/handle>

    Command: NickLOL
    Flags: None
    Shows the number of times someone laughed and their rating place on current channel.
    Syntax: nicklol <nick/handle>

    Command: NickPing
    Flags: None
    Shows the number of times someone used the ping command and their rating place on current channel.
    Syntax: nickping <nick/handle>

    Command: NickTime
    Flags: None
    Shows the time someone spent on channel and their rating place on current channel.
    Syntax: nicktime <nick/handle>

    Command: NickSpeed
    Flags: None
    Badly tries to estimate someone's typing speed and their rating place on current channel.
    Syntax: nickspeed <nick/handle>

    Command: NickTotal
    Flags: None
    Shows the number of all someone's actions on all channels.
    Syntax: nicktotal <nick/handle>

    Command: NickStat
    Flags: None
    Shows all statistics of someone on current channel along with the percentage of smiles, swears and LOLs in their talk.
    Syntax: nickstat <nick/handle>

    Command: NickPlace
    Flags: None
    Shows the number of all someone's actions and their rating places for them on current channel.
    Syntax: nickplace <nick/handle>

    Command: NickPercent
    Flags: None
    Shows the percentage of actions performed by someone out of channel totals on current channel.
    Syntax: nickpercent <nick/handle>

(C) 2002, L3ECH